Friend or Foe

Mablung has asked you to track down two strangers who recently entered Osgiliath and learn the reason for their presence.

'Tell me, ${PLAYER}, have you crossed paths with anyone not clearly of the Enemy's army since you entered Osgiliath? Mírthel spotted two cloaked figures entering the city not long before you arrived.

'While you were out hunting hidden enemies among the ruins, he spotted the two figures again. Will you try and find them for us? For if they be not friends, I tremble to think what they are or what trouble they might cause us.'

Search for the two mysterious figures in after-battle Osgiliath.

  • Search for the mysterious figures

You found Elladan and Elrohir in after-battle Osgiliath.

You should talk to Elladan and Elrohir.


Track the troll to where it is hiding in after-battle Osgiliath.

  • Track the troll to his hiding place
  • Track the troll to where it is hiding in after-battle Osgiliath.

The troll Gúrkodar is in the Palace of Eldacar in after-battle Osgiliath.

Defeat the injured troll that Elladan and Elrohir have tracked.


Elladan and Elrohir are at the Ranger encampment in after-battle Osgiliath.

You should talk to Elladan and Elrohir.


You should talk to Mablung, who can be found at the Ranger encampment in after-battle Osgiliath.


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Latitude: 0
Longitude: 0
Map width ID 268451785


0 gold coin 40 silver coin 35 copper coin
76500 xp icon
Legendary XP:
76500 legendary xp icon
Mount XP:
63900 mount xp icon

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