The Morgul Holdout

With the claims of the Variags confirmed, Mablung has asked you to defeat the enemies hiding within the culverts of Osgiliath.

'Gladhir has just returned, and confirms that there are enemies hiding in a section of the culverts we had thought to be collapsed. The Variags were true to their word. I suppose it is up to us, then, to honour our half of the deal and let them pass unharmed through North Ithilien. I will send word.

'${PLAYER}, take to the culverts. Defeat the forces gathered there and make sure they do not have the strength to make trouble for the Host of the West.'

The enemy hideout is in the culverts beneath the ruins of after-battle Osgiliath.

You should enter the culverts and find the enemy hideout.

  • Search the culverts for the enemy hideout

The raiding party hides in the culverts of after-battle Osgiliath.

You should defeat the Morgul raiding party.


You should return to Mablung, who can be found at the Ranger encampment in after-battle Osgiliath.


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Latitude: 0
Longitude: 0
Map width ID 268451785


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