The Aftermath: Duilin and Derufin

Help identify the bodies of Duilin and Derufin among those recovered from the field.

'Many corpses have been recovered from the field, some nearly beyond recognition. I fear that Duilin and Derufin, who were trampled by a Mûmak, may be among them. Would you ask Duinhir if he is willing to identify his sons?'

You should speak with Duinhir, who can be found at Aragorn's pavilion on the after-battle Pelennor.


Search among the slain for Duilin and Derufin's bodies.

  • Search among the slain for Duilin and Derufin's bodies.

Aragorn can be found in his pavilion on the after-battle Pelennor.

You should return to Aragorn now that you have identified Duilin and Derufin.


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Latitude: 0
Longitude: 0
Map width ID 268451786


0 gold coin 40 silver coin 35 copper coin
76500 xp icon
Legendary XP:
76500 legendary xp icon
Mount XP:
63900 mount xp icon
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