The Final Captain

An Orc captain remains on the Pelennor, determined to fight to the last and bring as many Men down with him as he can.

'We fought and we died on this field, the men of Rohan and Gondor. We fought and by some great miracle seized the day from the arms of an overwhelming foe.

'But the battle is finished and it is a new dawn, so how is it that some foes linger yet upon the Pelennor? I have received word of one Orc captain who seems bent on fighting to the last, taking as many of our men as he can with him. I am weary of death, ${PLAYER}. Will you find this captain and put an end to him?'

Shumug can be found roaming the after-battle Pelennor.

You should find and defeat the Orc captain Shumug.


You should talk to Éomer, who can be found at Aragorn's pavilion on the after-battle Pelennor.


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Map width ID 268451786


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76500 legendary xp icon
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63900 mount xp icon

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