The Rangers of Ithilien have learned that Orcs and Easterlings seek to surprise the Host of the West on its march, and Aragorn has charged you with defeating the ambush before it can be sprung.
'If we are to ambush the ambushers, we will need a small force of skilled hunters and trackers who can move stealthily through the woods unseen. Hethradir, by the look-out point above the Forbidden Pool, will know which of the Rangers of Ithilien will be best suited for this purpose.
'Some of my kin will want to take part in this adventure as well. Speak to Dagoras in the cave of Henneth Annûn, and he will assemble these others.'
Hethradir is at the look-out point above the Forbidden Pool, near Henneth Annûn.
Aragorn asked you to speak with Hethradir so he might select Rangers of Ithilien suitable for the task of ambushing the force that seeks to waylay the Host of the West at Cirith Negen.
Dagoras is in the hidden cave at Henneth Annûn.
Aragorn asked you to speak with Dagoras so he might select Rangers of the Grey Company suitable for the task of ambushing the force that seeks to waylay the Host of the West at Cirith Negen.
Legolas is in the hidden cave at Henneth Annûn, ready to leave for Cirith Negen.
Dagoras is in the hidden cave at Henneth Annûn.
You have helped to rout the intended ambush at Cirith Negen, and should now speak with Dagoras.
Aragorn is outside Henneth Annûn.
Dagoras wanted you to raise his concerns with Aragorn concerning his experience in Cirith Negen.