Ice Delivery

Tansy Tighfield asked you to deliver a block of ice to the frozen sweet-cream vendor in Bywater. Make sure to avoid obstacles!

NOTE: This quest will be removed from your quest log when the event it is associated with ends.

'Have you visited the stand in Bywater selling frozen sweet-cream? It is such a lovely treat, but the vendor is constantly requiring more fresh ice from our covered stockpile here in Hobbiton, for it would melt if we brought it all to Bywater at once.

'The only thing to do is carry it one block at a time each day. It's too heavy for me, but you look strong. Would you be willing to take it?

'Just be sure to watch out for obstacles. People move slowly and get in the way, and it will be hard to see around the iceā€¦.'

The ice block for delivery to Bywater can be found at the Party Tree.

You should carry the ice to the frozen sweet-cream stand in Bywater.


Bluet Goldworthy is at her vendor stall in Bywater.

You should speak with Bluet Goldworthy.


Relevant zones

Latitude: 0
Longitude: 0
Map width ID 268437678


0 gold coin 21 silver coin 14 copper coin
227000 xp icon
Legendary XP:
344000 legendary xp icon

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