Kingsfoil: Between the Cracks

Aragorn has tasked Bergil with finding enough athelas, also known as kingsfoil, to treat every soldier afflicted with the Black Shadow.

'I am to find kingsfoil leaves - living if I can and as much as possible. But truly, I do not know how I will find another single leaf! Does it grow in the cracks somewhere? I am sure I've seen it here or there, but I know not where! I am driving myself mad, thinking how often I walked past that very shape of leaf.

'Will you help me? I fear to think what that Aragorn fellow will do with me if I do not. That kingsfoil must be about, must it not? In cracks and greenswards, there must be some, somewhere!'

Search Minas Tirith for any kingsfoil growing wild.

  • Find wild-growing kingsfoil (0/8)

Bring the kingsfoil you have found back to Bergil, outside of the Houses of Healing on the Sixth Circle of Minas Tirith.


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Latitude: 0
Longitude: 0
Map width ID 268451576


0 gold coin 16 silver coin 64 copper coin
38200 xp icon
Legendary XP:
38200 legendary xp icon
Mount XP:
32000 mount xp icon

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