Sifting for Survivors

The siege of Minas Tirith has left the lower tiers in utter ruin, trapping many Gondorians who tried to flee.

'Even though the siege weapons of Mordor have been silenced, the city continues to crumble in their wake. Many of the surviving citizens of Gondor have found themselves at the mercy of a ceaseless tide of slag and debris, and we do not have enough resources to search under every corner of the wreckage.

'We have already begun our rescue efforts, but I would ask for your assistance in the rescue of any Gondorians that still remain buried.'

You should free any trapped Gondorians that you come across in the First Circle in Minas Tirith.

  • Free trapped Gondorians (0/8)

Imrahil can be found outside the front gates of Minas Tirith.

You should speak with Imrahil.


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Map width ID 268451576
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Map width ID 268451786


0 gold coin 16 silver coin 64 copper coin
38200 xp icon
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38200 legendary xp icon
Mount XP:
32000 mount xp icon

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