Flames of War

The battle is over, yet much of the city continues to burn. Húrin requires help to extinguish the burning debris.

'The weapons of the Enemy dealt many great blows to the city, and we find ourselves concerned with the growing threat of ruins aflame. If left unchecked, these fires could reduce the lower reaches of Minas Tirith to nothing!

'This task is arduous enough that I have tasked Rathon, the Warden of the Wells, with command over the efforts to quell the flames. Seek him out for assistance, ${PLAYER}, as I'm sure he could use someone with your level of insight.'

Rathon can be found in the northern end of the First Circle of Minas Tirith

You should speak with Rathon.


Bags of sand can be found in the area of Minas Tirith surrounding Rathon.

You should collect bags of sand for use in extinguishing the flames.

  • Collect bags of sand (0/4)

Stray fires can be found in the northern end of the First Circle of Minas Tirith.

You should use the bags of sand to extinguish the flames.

  • Extinguish fires in Minas Tirith (0/4)

Húrin can be found outside the gates to Minas Tirith.

You should report back to Húrin.


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Latitude: 0
Longitude: 0
Map width ID 268451576
Latitude: 0
Longitude: 0
Map width ID 268451786


0 gold coin 16 silver coin 64 copper coin
38200 xp icon
Legendary XP:
38200 legendary xp icon
Mount XP:
32000 mount xp icon

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