The Raiding Party

An elite raiding party of Uruk-hai have been wandering the Beacon Hills, searching for the Rohirrim.

An elite raiding party of Uruk-hai wander the Beacon Hills searching for the Rohirrim. Their tracking has taken them to the main road towards Taur DrĂºadan and soon they will be upon the Rohirrim War-stead if they are not dealt with swiftly.

An elite raiding party of Uruk-hai can be found in the eastern edge of the Beacon Hills.

You should defeat the Uruk-hai raiding party.


Defeated the Uruk-hai raiding party.


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0 gold coin 64 silver coin 6 copper coin
107000 xp icon
Legendary XP:
107000 legendary xp icon
Mount XP:
89500 mount xp icon

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