Variags at Bâr Nadhron

Defeat a number of the Variags who have made camp at Bâr Nadhron in the Beacon Hills.

A large force of Variags have sacked and then made camp at the hamlet of Bâr Nadhron in the Beacon Hills. Reducing their numbers will throw them into disarray and safe-guard nearby Ost Rimmon from assault.

You should defeat Variags in Bâr Nadhron in the Beacon Hills of Far Anórien.

  • Defeat Variags in Bâr Nadhron (0/12)

You have defeated many Variags in Bâr Nadhron.


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0 gold coin 40 silver coin 15 copper coin
72900 xp icon
Legendary XP:
72900 legendary xp icon
Mount XP:
60900 mount xp icon

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  • Defeat Variags in Bâr Nadhron (0/12)
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