Vengeance for Léofdag

Poor Léofdag fell at the Battle of the Hornburg, but the treachery surrounding his death greatly troubles the Riders Three.

'Indeed, ${PLAYER}, this is not the place for us to speak of such things. We are overdue to set out for Taur Drúadan, but we can spare the time to make clear these matters.

'Will you accompany us to the beacon-hill Erelas? It lies to the north-east of Ost Rimmon and should not be difficult to spot, even with its flames quenched.

'I am sorry to be so terse, but you shall understand when we meet again. Ride!'

Erelas can be found north-east of Ost Rimmon.

The Riders Three have asked you to meet them at the beacon-hill Erelas.

  • Meet the Riders Three at Erelas

Burnoth, Hutha, and Ulf are at the beacon-hill Erelas.

You have arrived at Erelas and should now speak to the Riders Three about the truth of Léofdag's demise.


The Riders Three can be found somewhere among the War-stead of the King's Men in Taur Drúadan.

The Riders Three have asked you to join them in their quest and their journey to the Pelennor Fields.

  • Meet the Riders Three at their camp in Taur Drúadan

Burnoth is at his camp within the War-stead of the King's Men.

You have arrived in Taur Drúadan and should now speak to Burnoth.


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0 gold coin 63 silver coin 46 copper coin
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97100 legendary xp icon
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81200 mount xp icon

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