Claws in the Firien

Aggressive láthbears have been spotted in the Firien Wood, due to the recent enemy occupation of the Beacon Hills.

Aggressive láthbears have been spotted in the Firien Wood and some have even ventured towards Gondorian settlements. These beasts should be dealt with for the safety of those who dwell near the Firien Wood.

Láthbears can be found around the Firien Wood in the Beacon Hills.

You should defeat láthbears.

  • Defeat Firien láthbears (0/10)

You have defeated many láthbears in the Beacon Hills.


Relevant zones


0 gold coin 39 silver coin 95 copper coin
69400 xp icon
Legendary XP:
69400 legendary xp icon
Mount XP:
58000 mount xp icon

Additional info


  • Defeat Firien láthbears (0/10)
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