Warband: Naurúk

A fell champion among the message-bearers in Far- Anórien sees all, hears all that goes by.

While exploring the Beacon Hills, you have encountered Naurúk in the eastern stretch of the Beacon Hills, keen of eyes and deadly of blade.

Defeat Naurúk before he uses his fleet-footed message-bearers to share news of the Rohirrim host.

Naurúk can be found in the eastern stretch of the Beacon Hills.

You have encountered the keen-eyed Naurúk, and should defeat him.

  • Defeat Naurúk

Naurúk can be found in the eastern stretch of the Beacon Hills.

You have encountered the keen-eyed Naurúk, and should defeat him.


You have defeated Naurúk.


Relevant zones

Latitude: 0
Longitude: 0
Map width ID 268451270


0 gold coin 64 silver coin 6 copper coin
107000 xp icon
Legendary XP:
107000 legendary xp icon
Mount XP:
89500 mount xp icon

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