Warband: Jarl Vrakya

While others seek to loot, ransom, and pillage, Jarl Vrakya scours the Beacon Hills for signs of the horse-men of Rohan, neither flinching nor wavering from his purpose.

While exploring the Beacon Hills, you have encountered Vrakya, an unrelenting Variag Jarl bent on finding signs of the Rohirrim host.

Defeat Jarl Vrakya before he catches the scent and learns more than he should of the host's passage.

Jarl Vrakya can be found in the western stretch of the Beacon Hills.

You have encountered the ruthless Variag Jarl Vrakya and his men, and should defeat them.

  • Defeat Jarl Vrakya

Jarl Vrakya can be found in the western stretch of the Beacon Hills.

You have encountered the ruthless Variag Jarl Vrakya and his men, and should defeat them.


You have defeated Jarl Vrakya.


Relevant zones

Latitude: 0
Longitude: 0
Map width ID 268451270


0 gold coin 80 silver coin 70 copper coin
122000 xp icon
Legendary XP:
122000 legendary xp icon
Mount XP:
102000 mount xp icon

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