Déorwine has requested help in aiding his rearguard to cover the tracks left behind by the Rohirrim.
'While Théoden King's outriders look ahead, I am charged with leading the rearguard scouts who must look behind. We know we are being watched and that enemy forces creep up from all sides. I have sent my men out to cover what tracks they may, but I fear our marks were too many and my scouts too few.
'Will you aid them in this effort, and cover tracks where you find them in the Beacon Hills? I thank you, ${CLASS}.'
Help Déorwine's scouts and cover any tracks left by the Rohirrim in the Beacon Hills.
Return to Déorwine in the camp in Taur Drúadan and tell him that you have covered many of the Rohirrim tracks in the Beacon Hills.