Gathering Wool

Lavandir rushed to Ost Rimmon and inadvertently left his flocks unattended and possibly in danger.

'What a bind! I ran here in a fright and left my flocks grazing out upon the hills. Now I don't dare go back out, what with those bad men and their swords roaming to and fro. Now you, you're not afraid of those men, are you, ${CLASS}? Would you go and lead my sheep back here to me? If they're left out there, they'll be eaten up by wolves and swordsmen, every last one!

'My flocks will not have strayed far. They were on the pastures north of Erelas, north-east of Calenhad, and west of Bâr Nadhron.'

You should gather the sheep on the hills due north of Erelas in the Beacon Hills.

  • Gather sheep from the north of Erelas (0/4)

You should lead the first flock of sheep back to Ost Rimmon.

  • Lead the sheep to safety

You should gather the sheep from the north-eastern slope of Calenhad in the Beacon Hills.

  • Gather sheep from the slope of Calenhad (0/4)

You should lead the second flock of sheep back to Ost Rimmon.

  • Lead the sheep to safety

You should gather the sheep west of Bâr Nadhron in the Beacon Hills.

  • Gather sheep west of Bâr Nadhron (0/4)

You should lead the third flock of sheep back to Ost Rimmon.

  • Lead the sheep to safety

Now that you have led the flocks of sheep to safety, you should return to Lavandir in Ost Rimmon.


Relevant zones

Latitude: 0
Longitude: 0
Map width ID 268451270


0 gold coin 39 silver coin 95 copper coin
69400 xp icon
Legendary XP:
69400 legendary xp icon
Mount XP:
58000 mount xp icon

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