A Horse in the Forest

Sithgar's horse has run off again - this time into the Drúadan Forest.

'There you are, ${PLAYER}. Do not laugh at me, but my luck is as bad as ever. No sooner was I back among my Éored when Witherbreca ran off again. But now we are not among the pleasant grass-hills, we are in a forest! I'm sure the poor animal has been eaten by a bear.'

Search for Witherbreca, who has run off into the Drúadan Wood.

  • Find Witherbreca

You should talk to the Wose standing by Witherbreca in the Drúadan Forest.


You should return to Sithgar in the Rohirrim bivouac, in Taur Drúadan, and tell him of the horse and the Wose.


You should return to Bhis-weni-Mâr with Sithgar, and help negotiate the trade of a shield for the wayward horse.


Search for Witherbreca deep in the Drúadan Forest.

  • Find Witherbreca

Defeat the wood-trolls surrounding Witherbreca in the Drúadan Forest.

Now that you have defeated the wood-trolls, you should lead Witherbreca back to Sithgar and Bhis-weni-Mâr.


You should talk to Bhis-weni-Mâr now that he, Witherbreca, and Sithgar are together in the Drúadan Forest.


Sithgar stands in the Drúadan Forest, by Witherbreca and Bhis-weni-Mâr.

You should talk to Sithgar and hear what he has to say.


Relevant zones

Latitude: 0
Longitude: 0
Map width ID 268451268


0 gold coin 63 silver coin 46 copper coin
97100 xp icon
Legendary XP:
97100 legendary xp icon
Mount XP:
81200 mount xp icon
Quest has an additional unknown reward

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