Instance: The Darkest Hour

Gondor's darkest hour has come. The forces of Mordor have broken the gates of Minas Tirith, and the Witch-king of Angmar has brought his master's evil to bear upon the defenders of the White City.

You have hurried down to the ruin of the gates with Mithrandir. Only he can stand against the Witch-king.


Mithrandir stands alone before the Witch-king, blocking his passage into the city.

  • Witness the confrontation between Mithrandir and the Witch-king of Angmar

You must find Peregrin Took and protect him from the forces of the Enemy!

  • Escape from the enemy and find Peregrin Took

You must find Peregrin Took and protect him from the forces of the Enemy!

  • Escape from the enemy and find Peregrin Took

You must find Peregrin Took and protect him from the forces of the Enemy!

  • Escape from the enemy and find Peregrin Took

Imrahil has slain many Orcs, and has called to you for news of the gate.


You have been captured by the Enemy!

  • Wait for a chance to turn the tables on your captors

Gothmog stands before you at the top of the city, secure in victory.


Denethor has emerged from the tower, ready to die for his city and his people.

  • Fight alongside Denethor atop the city

Denethor has been wounded.


Peregrin Took is in grave danger!

  • Remain alert for any chance to help Peregrin or Denethor!

Your mind is filled with terrible visions, but the voice of the Steward cuts through the frightening images.


Your mind is filled with terrible visions, but the voice of the Steward cuts through the frightening images.

  • Your mind is full of hazy, troubled images

Denethor is standing before you, his face an earnest mask of despair and hopelessness.


Relevant zones

Latitude: 0
Longitude: 0
Map width ID 268451156


This quests offers no rewards

Additional info


  • Talk to Mithrandir
  • Witness the confrontation between Mithrandir and the Witch-king of Angmar
  • Escape from the enemy and find Peregrin Took
  • Escape from the enemy and find Peregrin Took
  • Escape from the enemy and find Peregrin Took
  • Talk to Prince Imrahil
  • Wait for a chance to turn the tables on your captors
  • Fight alongside Denethor atop the city
  • Remain alert for any chance to help Peregrin or Denethor!
  • Your mind is full of hazy, troubled images
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