The Withered Tree

With the siege now fully underway, the group calling itself the Withered Tree has become even more brazen. The Council of Gondor has tasked you with helping curb its rise.

'The siege is well and truly begun, ${PLAYER}. We must hope that our preparations were enough, and that the gate stands strong. It should hold the enemies outside at bay for some hours, I hope, but it is the enemies within our walls that concern me right now.

'Look at the model of the city, and the scroll that now decorates it. This message is the work of the Withered Tree. 'The End Has Come?' That may be so, but I am going to ensure that the Withered Tree reaches its end before we do! Some member of that group gained access to the Dome of the Sun and committed this act while we were busy elsewhere.

'I am the Captain of Tidings, and I send forth errand-riders throughout the city and to other parts of Gondor, but that is not my only title. I am also the Spy-master of Minas Tirith, and I know how a group like the Withered Tree operates. They must have gained some of the pass-words for the upper Circles of the city. Húrin must change the pass-words, ${PLAYER}. We have not used the current set for as long as usual, but in time of war three hours may seem like days! Ask him for new pass-words, and give them to the guards at the gates in the upper Circles. Then find members of the Withered Tree in the lower Circles and make them cease their hateful whisperings! I will meet you in the First Circle when you have proved successful.'

Húrin is in the besieged city, in the Dome of the Sun.

Lamlor believes you should ask Húrin to change the pass-words for the gates in the upper Circles of the city.

Minas Tirith is besieged! You may examine the model of the city in the Dome of the Sun to travel between states of the city.


You carry new pass-words for the Gate of the Citadel, the Gate of Stones, and the Gate of Stars.

Húrin has sent you to deliver the new pass-words for the gates in the upper Circles of the city.

Minas Tirith is besieged! You may examine the model of the city in the Dome of the Sun to travel between states of the city.


You carry new pass-words for the Gate of the Citadel, the Gate of Stones, and the Gate of Stars.

Húrin has sent you to deliver new pass-words for the gates in the upper Circles of the city.

Minas Tirith is besieged! You may examine the model of the city in the Dome of the Sun to travel between states of the city.

  • Destroy the parchment containing the new pass-words

Some of the citizens of Gondor in the Fourth Circle may actually be supporters of the Withered Tree.

  • Investigate the Fourth Circle of the city for supporters of the Withered Tree

Some of the citizens of Gondor in the Third Circle may actually be supporters of the Withered Tree.

  • Investigate the Third Circle of the city for supporters of the Withered Tree

Some of the citizens of Gondor in the Second Circle may actually be supporters of the Withered Tree.

  • Investigate the Second Circle of the city for supporters of the Withered Tree

Lamlor, the Captain of Tidings and Spy-master of Gondor, has come down to the gate in the First Circle.


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