Introduction: Old Anórien

You have been summoned by Mablung to his hideout in Osgiliath where he hopes you will be able to aid the great Gondorian city, Minas Tirith.

You have been summoned by Mablung, who requests your presence at his hideout in Osgiliath.

You should meet Mablung and his men as soon as you are able.

Mablung can be found at his hideout within the culverts of Osgiliath.

You have been summoned by Mablung to aid Gondor as the Enemy presses closer to the city of Minas Tirith.


Mablung can be found at his hideout within the culverts of Osgiliath.

You have been summoned by Mablung to aid Gondor as the Enemy presses closer to the city of Minas Tirith.


Damrod can be found at the Ithilien Ranger hideout within the culverts of Osgiliath.

You have been asked by Mablung to aid Damrod in leading the Rangers out of Osgiliath.


Master Builder Curugond can be found in the First Circle of Minas Tirith, near the Lower Stables.

You have asked by Damrod to speak to Curugond after you make the journey to Minas Tirith.


Relevant zones

Latitude: 0
Longitude: 0
Map width ID 268451105


0 gold coin 16 silver coin 14 copper coin
30000 xp icon
Legendary XP:
30000 legendary xp icon
Mount XP:
25000 mount xp icon

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