The Lord of Pinions

Amassing a small, yet fiercely loyal band of followers amidst the Easterling forces through his inexplicable kinship with crebain, a strange man has come to Osgiliath and seeks to unleash his talents against those that would deny him.

Followers of the Brotherhood of the Pinioned can be found throughout Osgiliath, and often wander far from their Easterling brethren.

You recall Echil's mentioning of a \qLord of Pinions\q among the Easterlings who now form a brotherhood under him. You should seek out and defeat his followers to learn more of his whereabouts.

NOTE: You must defeat all five groups of Easterling followers to unlock the optional Lord of Pinions encounter.


The Lord of Pinions can be found in the north-eastern corner of Osgiliath.

You have weakened the Brotherhood of the Pinioned, and should now confront the Lord of Pinions in Osgiliath.

  • Defeat the Lord of Pinions

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1100000 legendary xp icon

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