Ashes and Stars, Chapter 2

Desperate to learn of their lost captain's fate, Mablung and Damrod begin their search for Faramir in the winding tunnels beneath Osgiliath.

'We must begin our search, ${PLAYER}, and I would have us begin here in the culverts where we can move beneath the notice of the Morgul-host above. It is possible that Faramir also fled into the tunnels as we did when the fighting erupted after he speared the fell-beast, but there are many places he may have sought refuge - and too few of us to spare from our posts.

'Search the depths, but do not search alone. These tunnels wind far underneath the city as a vast, sunken labyrinth, and it is likely that some of the Enemy's forces have travelled down into the dark - unwittingly or not.'

Note: You must complete the \qSunken Labyrinth\q instance to complete this quest.

Faramir might be found somewhere within the sunken labyrinth beneath Osgiliath.

Mablung has asked you to search the depths of Osgiliath for Faramir, who may have fled into the tunnels in the wake of his attack on the fell-beast.

You must complete the \qSunken Labyrinth\q instance to complete this quest.

  • Search for Faramir in the depths of Osgiliath

The letter can be found at the make-shift camp-site in the sunken labyrinth beneath Osgiliath.

You have discovered a small, empty camp-site in the tunnels beneath Osgiliath. You should take the note and examine it before pressing onward.

  • Examine the note at the abandoned camp-site

Faramir might be found somewhere within the sunken labyrinth beneath Osgiliath.

You have not yet found Faramir in the tunnels beneath Osgiliath, but you should continue your search deeper in the labyrinth.

  • Search further in the depths of Osgiliath

The Ranger is standing near the gate to Muzgásh's chamber in the sunken labyrinth.

You have defeated Muzgásh, but now a strange Ranger stands near the gate to his chambers. You should approach the Ranger and attempt to speak to him.

  • Approach the mysterious Ranger

Mablung can be found in the culverts of Osgiliath.

You have recovered a troubling letter and encountered a strange hooded Ranger in the sunken tunnels of Osgiliath. You should now return to Mablung.


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