A Report of Orcs

A scouting party was dispatched to investigate Egind's story of Orcs in Lossarnach, and none of the scouts have returned.

'Egind claimed that he ran afoul of Orcs in Lossarnach, so I sent some of my best lads to see if he spoke the truth. They have not returned, which speaks to me as loudly as if they had. They were going to begin their search at the old ruins of Ost Norhír, south-east of town.

'Can you go in search of my boys, and return with word of them or the foes they sought? If there are Orcs already in Lossarnach, I want to know about it!'

The scouting party was sent south-east of Imloth Melui, and intended to investigate the old ruin of Ost Norhír.

Merenir has asked you to look for the scouting party he sent in search of Orcs, and to bring his men back if that proves possible.

  • Search for the scouting party at Ost Norhír, south-east of Imloth Melui

The scouting party was sent south-east of Imloth Melui, and intended to investigate the old ruin of Ost Norhír.

Merenir has asked you to look for the scouting party he sent in search of Orcs, and to bring his men back if that proves possible.


Merenir is in Imloth Melui, and will want to hear about your encounter with the Orcs in Ost Norhír.


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Latitude: 0
Longitude: 0
Map width ID 268450942


0 gold coin 39 silver coin 35 copper coin
Pelargir (700)
59900 xp icon
Legendary XP:
59900 legendary xp icon
Mount XP:
50100 mount xp icon

Additional info


  • Search for the scouting party at Ost Norhír, south-east of Imloth Melui
  • Talk to Merenir
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