The Defence of Arnach

At last, the Haradrim launch the main assault on Arnach. Baranor and his men must scramble to ready themselves for the defence.

'How glad I am you're here, ${PLAYER}! There is no mistaking the word brought back by our scouts. The Haradrim gather and soon they will attack. It is a dark hour, but we must stand strong!

'We must make what hasty preparations we can! Will you talk to Dagor and Indir? Help them in any way you can.'

Dagor and Indir stand within the keep in Arnach.

Help Dagor and Indir to make any last-minute preparations that are needed before the attack.


Baranor stands within the keep in Arnach.

You have helped Dagor and Indir to prepare against the oncoming Haradrim attack. You should return to Baranor to let him know that all is ready.


Baranor stands before the keep in Arnach.

Baranor waits to speak to you, now that the fighting is done.


Relevant zones

Latitude: 0
Longitude: 0
Map width ID 268450942


0 gold coin 62 silver coin 56 copper coin
Pelargir (900)
83900 xp icon
Legendary XP:
83900 legendary xp icon
Mount XP:
70100 mount xp icon
Quest has an additional unknown reward

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