By Mind and Blade

The combined forces of the Morgul-host pose a serious threat to Minas Tirith and the fate of Middle-earth.

'The host of Minas Morgul has grown beyond my imagining, my friend.

'Orcs, Trolls, Uruk-hai, Haradrim, Half-trolls, and now Easterlings... it has not done much for the spirits of my men, as you might suppose. It is a truly daunting force, but we cannot lose hope... not yet.

'The Easterlings and Haradrim have made camp in the eastern streets of the city, but I know from my many years that they scare far more easily than Orcs. Travel to the eastern streets and slay many of their numbers. If their morale might yet be broken, I can think of none other than Faramir or such a fine ${CLASS} who might drive them from our lands.

'Tread carefully, ${PLAYER}.'

Haradrim and Easterling forces can be found in eastern Osgiliath.

Damrod has asked you to seek out and defeat Haradrim and Easterling forces in Osgiliath.

  • Defeat Haradrim and Easterling forces within Osgiliath (0/16)

Damrod can be found in the culverts of Osgiliath.

You have defeated many of the Haradrim and Easterling forces and should now return to Damrod.


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0 gold coin 39 silver coin 35 copper coin
59900 xp icon
Legendary XP:
59900 legendary xp icon
Mount XP:
50100 mount xp icon

Additional info


  • Defeat Haradrim and Easterling forces within Osgiliath (0/16)
  • Talk to Damrod
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