At the Mercy of the Anduin

Hoping to slow the advance of the Morgul-host, Golthor has sent you to destroy the bridge-rafts that ferry their forces to the western banks.

'Although they allow us to sneak freely through the city, the Orkish bridge-rafts along the Anduin pose a great threat to the White City.

'With each passing hour, the host of Minas Morgul sends more forces across the river and draws closer to Minas Tirith. We must destroy their rafts and slow their advance, even if it cannot be stopped!

'Travel to the southern docks, burn their rafts, and slay the Orcs that craft them. Go with haste, for the forces of the Enemy do not rest.'

Orc raft-builders and their designs can be found along the Anduin in southern Osgiliath.

Golthor has asked you to sabotage Orkish bridge-rafts and slay their crafters.


Golthor can be found in the tunnels beneath Osgiliath.

You have dealt a harsh blow to the Orcs along the Anduin and should now return to Golthor.


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Longitude: 0
Map width ID 268450946


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59900 xp icon
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59900 legendary xp icon
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50100 mount xp icon

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