Healing the Lost

Desperate to maintain their foothold within Osgiliath, Golthor and the Rangers ask your aid in recovering long-hidden stores of valuable goods.

'I will soon make for the tunnels below, but first, I would ask your aid in recovering more of our hidden-stores from the old Houses of Healing just over there.

'A few of the Easterlings began to search it after they lost my trail, and I had not yet finished my task. If you have made it this deep into the city, you must either be a deft traveller or a practiced warrior - either of which I would welcome to my side.

'Within the ruined Houses, you will find stores of simple rations and athelas. Both of these are of great value to us, and I will see you rewarded if you return them to me.'

Food-stores and athelas can be found within the Houses of Healing in eastern Osgiliath.

Golthor has asked you to recover hidden stores of food and athelas that were stowed away by the Rangers for times of war.

  • Recover stores of athelas from the Houses of Healing (0/6)

Golthor can be found outside the Houses of Healing in eastern Osgiliath.

You have recovered many food-stores and bundles of athelas and should now deliver them to Golthor.


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Latitude: 0
Longitude: 0
Map width ID 268450946


0 gold coin 39 silver coin 35 copper coin
59900 xp icon
Legendary XP:
59900 legendary xp icon
Mount XP:
50100 mount xp icon

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