Barad Nemorn: Troll Teeth

A number of trolls gather at Barad Nemorn and should be dealt with to prove your might.

A number of trolls gather at Barad Nemorn. Defeating trolls and ripping out their teeth should show the Morgul-host that their enemies are fell and fearless.

Barad Nemorn is located near where the Morgulduin meets the Anduin in Southern Ithilien.

You should take teeth from trolls you defeat in Barad Nemorn to show the Morgul-host that their enemies are fell and fearless.

  • Take teeth from defeated trolls at Barad Nemorn

Barad Nemorn is located near where the Morgulduin meets the Anduin in Southern Ithilien.

You should take teeth from trolls you defeat in Barad Nemorn to show the Morgul-host that their enemies are fell and fearless.

  • Collect teeth from trolls at Barad Nemorn (0/4)

Faramir's Look-out is located south-east of Osgiliath.

You should bring the troll teeth to a Ranger at Faramir's Look-out.


Relevant zones

Latitude: 0
Longitude: 0
Map width ID 268450944


0 gold coin 39 silver coin 35 copper coin
59900 xp icon
Legendary XP:
59900 legendary xp icon
Mount XP:
50100 mount xp icon

Additional info


  • Take teeth from defeated trolls at Barad Nemorn
  • Collect teeth from trolls at Barad Nemorn (0/4)
  • Talk to Arodor
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