Dagor: A Blow to the Head

Dagor has a bold strategem for throwing the Haradrim invaders into disarray.

'Now, thinking as a captain and tactician, I know that my greatest foe must be... the enemy captain! Among the Haradrim who trespass in Lossarnach, there will be soldiers and there will be leaders.

'Without captains, the foe is confused and scattered, and we prevail!

'You seem formidable in combat, good ${RACE}. And you are free to go while duty keeps me here. Would you enact my bold stratagem?'

Haradrim Captains can be found, especially in their camps, east and south of Arnach.

You should defeat captains of the Haradrim to compromise their leadership and organization.


Dagor can be found in Arnach, near the keep.

You should return to Dagor and tell him how you have bested a number of their leaders.


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Longitude: 0
Map width ID 268450942


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59900 legendary xp icon
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50100 mount xp icon

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