Scattered and Shaken

Annaben paces the road south of Arnach, fearing she cannot gather her scattered goods before she is found by roving Haradrim.

'Gracious me! But you're no Southron. My heart nearly stopped in my chest when you came up. They've snuck into Lossarnach, you know!

'Now I see you for a good sort, would you lend a poor woman a hand? My cart tumbled down that ridge whilst I was taking a shortcut into Arnach-town. I can't leave these sacks of potatoes behind, for the good soldiers must eat if they're to protect us! But I'm greatly feared some Harad Southron will leap out of the trees any moment, and me die of fright, like as not!'

Annaben paces near her overturned cart on the road south of Arnach.

Annaben's cart tumbled off the ridge while she was taking a shortcut into town, spilling sacks of potatoes everywhere. She is terrified Haradrim will stumble across her before she can gather them up. You have offered to help gather them up.

  • Potato sacks collected (0/6)

Annaben paces near her overturned cart on the road south of Arnach.

Annaben's cart tumbled off the ridge while she was taking a shortcut into town, spilling sacks of potatoes everywhere. She is terrified Haradrim will stumble across her before she can gather them up. You should return to her with the sacks you have gathered.


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Longitude: 0
Map width ID 268450942


0 gold coin 39 silver coin 35 copper coin
Pelargir (700)
59900 xp icon
Legendary XP:
59900 legendary xp icon
Mount XP:
50100 mount xp icon

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