The Harder They Fall

Mûmakil, the great beasts of the Haradrim, march to war. You should defeat mûmakil in South Ithilien before they can reach Osgiliath and cross the Anduin.

Mûmakil, the great beasts of the Haradrim, march to war. You should defeat mûmakil in South Ithilien before they can reach Osgiliath and cross the Anduin.

Mûmakil can be found near enemy encampments in Southern Ithilien.

You should defeat mûmakil in Southern Ithilien.

  • Defeat mûmakil in Southern Ithilien (0/4)

Defeated mûmakil in Southern Ithilien.


Relevant zones


0 gold coin 62 silver coin 56 copper coin
83900 xp icon
Legendary XP:
83900 legendary xp icon
Mount XP:
70100 mount xp icon

Additional info


  • Defeat mûmakil in Southern Ithilien (0/4)
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