Upon the Cliffs

The Ranger Mírthel remains missing and Gladhir has sent you to the southern cliffs in search of his comrade.

'First among all things, we must find what became of Mírthel. It will be fastest to divide our search in two. I will continue up the road to the bridge. You go and search the southern cliffs and among Ost Sarram, which lie upon them.'

Ost Sarram is located upon the southern cliffs in the western side of Southern Ithilien.

You should search for Mírthel near Ost Sarram.

  • Search for Mírthel

Ost Sarram is located upon the southern cliffs in the western side of Southern Ithilien.

You should talk to Mírthel near Ost Sarram.


Ost Sarram is located upon the southern cliffs in the western side of Southern Ithilien.

You should destroy Haradrim ladders upon the cliffs to stop the flow of men and supplies.

  • Destroy Haradrim ladders (0/6)

Ost Sarram is located upon the southern cliffs in the western side of Southern Ithilien.

You should speak to Mírthel near Ost Sarram.


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Latitude: 0
Longitude: 0
Map width ID 268450944


0 gold coin 39 silver coin 35 copper coin
59900 xp icon
Legendary XP:
59900 legendary xp icon
Mount XP:
50100 mount xp icon

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