The Rangers of the South

Luntil offers to row you across the Anduin to the tree-covered hills of South Ithilien. There, you hope to make it to Osgiliath without significant delay.

'It is not chance that brought you to this hidden landing place. I can see it in your eyes: you wish to cross the Anduin into Ithilien. The currents are swift in these parts, but you are in luck, as I can take you there. My name is Luntil and I ferry provisions to the Rangers that protect these lands. I admire their courage and they are grateful for my assistance to their cause.

'Climb into the boat when you are ready to cross the Anduin. I have one small favour to ask of you when we reach the shores of Ithilien. I ask nothing more in payment.'

Luntil's boat can be found hidden amongst the reeds on the shores of the Anduin in Lossarnach.

Luntil has asked you to step aboard her boat when you are ready to travel to Southern Ithilien.

  • Cross the river by boat

Luntil can be found on the shores of the Anduin in Southern Ithilien.

You should speak to Luntil about the favour she asked in exchange for ferrying you across.


The Western Post can be found on top of the western cliffs in Southern Ithilien.

You should speak with a Ranger at the Western Post.

  • Speak to a Ranger at the nearby camp-site

The Western Post can be found on top of the western cliffs in Southern Ithilien.

You should search tents at the Western Post for information as to the Rangers' whereabouts.

  • Search the tents for any information (0/3)

The path from the Western Post leads north-east, further into Southern Ithilien.

You should explore further up the road into South Ithilien. Perhaps you will find the elusive Rangers there.

  • Explore further up the road

Duindir is located in the western section of Southern Ithilien.

You should investigate the sounds coming from the ruins.

  • Investigate the sounds coming from the ruins

Duindir is located in the western section of Southern Ithilien.

You heard signs of a struggle there, but found only Haradrim. You should search the ruins for signs of any Rangers.

  • Search for any Rangers

Duindir is located in the western section of Southern Ithilien.

You should rescue the Ranger from the Haradrim.


Duindir is located in the western section of Southern Ithilien.

You should speak to the Ranger on the path outside of the ruins.


Relevant zones

Latitude: 0
Longitude: 0
Map width ID 268450944


0 gold coin 39 silver coin 35 copper coin
59900 xp icon
Legendary XP:
59900 legendary xp icon
Mount XP:
50100 mount xp icon

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