Black Sails: Loading the Ships

Lothrandir is upset at his condition, still weakened from his imprisonment in Isengard, and wants to help the Grey Company ready the ships.

'I do not know what I am doing, ${PLAYER}. I could do little more than stay atop the horse Dagoras provided for me on the ride from Rohan. I am still weak from my stay within Saruman's dungeons, and even lifting a sword leaves me fatigued. I am exhausted and frustrated!

'I volunteered to help load the ships with supplies, expecting to struggle through and beyond the unfair limitations of my strength, but Radanir took my place and sent me back here. My face was red with shame, but I must admit he was right. I need to rest and recover my strength. Curse the traitor-Wizard!

'Find Radanir and help him carry my share of the supplies onto the Corsair flagship. You will find him in the West-garth, by one of the bridges that leads to the Court of the Ship-kings.'

Radanir is in the West-garth of Pelargir, by one of the bridges that leads to the Court of the Ship-kings.

Lothrandir has asked you to find Radanir and help him load the ships with supplies.


There are crates that need to be carried to the Corsair flagship moored at the large dock on the south end of the Market Ward. Crates can be found by Radanir's position in the West-garth, near one of the bridges to the Market Ward.

  • Pick up the supply crate by Radanir in the West-garth

There are barrels that need to be carried to the Corsair flagship moored at the large dock on the south end of the Market Ward. Barrels can be found by Radanir's position in the West-garth, near one of the bridges to the Market Ward.

  • Pick up the supply barrel by Radanir in the West-garth

Techeron is on the Corsair flagship moored at the large southern dock in the Market Ward, in Pelargir.

You have delivered some supplies to the flagship, and now Techeron wants to speak with you.


Lothrandir is at the Camp of the Grey Host, west of the port-city of Pelargir.


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Latitude: 0
Longitude: 0
Map width ID 268450890
Latitude: 0
Longitude: 0
Map width ID 268450892


0 gold coin 39 silver coin 35 copper coin
Pelargir (500)
59900 xp icon
Legendary XP:
59900 legendary xp icon

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