Black Sails: Voices of the Past

The Rangers of the Grey Company have helped deliver the port-city from danger, but their journey is not yet ended. Some of the Rangers are troubled by the things they have seen, and tensions run high among Aragorn's folk.

'I like this land, ${PLAYER}. It reminds me of the twilit wilds, far away in the North, where my heart remains. The wooded slopes encircling Lake Nenuial must be slowly shaking off the grip of winter, and in a few weeks the leaves of their trees may begin to fight through the remaining chill. No Winter lasts forever, and the coming of Spring will banish even the coldest of memories. Will this war be any different?'

Calenglad stands silently for a short while, musing on the question. Eventually he smiles, and gives you a conspiratorial wink.

'Radanir told me you agreed to treat him to a meal and drinks at a tavern of your choosing, once this is all over. If you have no objection, I would like to join the two of you there. I will look forward to that happy meeting!

'But there is still much hardship ahead of us, and with all my musings I forgot to tell you something! Halbarad wanted me to send you to him. He has returned to Pelargir already. If you leave now you should find him just inside the north-west entrance to the city.'

Halbarad is located in the large courtyard just inside the north-west entrance to the port-city of Pelargir.


Corunir is somewhere south of Halbarad's position, in Pelargir.

Halbarad has asked you to find Corunir and learn how Golodir fares after the passing of the Dead Men.


Corunir left Golodir standing on a dock somewhere to the south, in the city of Pelargir.


Calenglad is at the Camp of the Grey Host, outside the port-city of Pelargir.

Golodir was possessed of an unusually ill temper, and you should return to Calenglad and see what he thinks of the Grey Company's mood following the battle.


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Latitude: 0
Longitude: 0
Map width ID 268450890
Latitude: 0
Longitude: 0
Map width ID 268450892


0 gold coin 39 silver coin 35 copper coin
Pelargir (500)
59900 xp icon
Legendary XP:
59900 legendary xp icon
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