Sons of Pelargir

After learning of a great battle in Pelargir, Nimithil grows concerned for her husband, Faltharan, who remained behind in the city to challenge the Corsairs.

'You have done much for me and the people of Ost Anglebed, but I have heard naught but horrid things of Pelargir. While you and the men of Linhir battled the Heirs on the beach, I heard tell of a great calamity in Pelargir.

'My husband, Faltharan, bid us flee to safety when the Corsairs came to the city, but now I fear for him. Although I know he would never surrender the city willingly, I also do not wish him to lay down his life for a hopeless cause.

'Search for him within Pelargir's walls, ${PLAYER}. If he fights yet, I trust you will join him in reclaiming the city from the Corsairs!'

Faltharan can be found somewhere in Pelargir.

Nimithil has grown concerned for her husband after hearing news of a great battle in Pelargir. You should seek out Faltharan.


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Map width ID 268450892


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59900 xp icon
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59900 legendary xp icon
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50100 mount xp icon

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