Legacy of Strife

Concerned by the growing influence of the Heirs of Castamir in Lebennin, Nimithil hopes to warn Steward Malthellim of treachery within Ost Anglebed and prevent her people from splintering.

'I have seen enough, ${PLAYER}.

'We must go to the Steward at once and convince him to do something before our people turn on each other. Each day has brought more and more rumours of the supposed greatness of these Heirs, but it is clear that they mean naught but harm for Gondor. The people are divided, and I see them look with such disdain at their fellows... I fear this conflict shall soon come to blows.

'And this treachery in Ost Anglebed... who could be behind it? We must find out before they can weaken us enough for the Enemy to overcome our defences.

'Let us go, ${PLAYER}!'

Nimithil can be found in Ost Anglebed in north-central Lebennin.

Nimithil has asked you to accompany her in speaking to the Steward of Ost Anglebed of her worries about the Heirs of Castamir and their influence on her people.


Nimithil can be found in Ost Anglebed in north-central Lebennin.

You have survived Malthellim's betrayal and should now speak to Nimithil about what is to be done next.


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Latitude: 0
Longitude: 0
Map width ID 268450890


0 gold coin 39 silver coin 35 copper coin
59900 xp icon
Legendary XP:
59900 legendary xp icon
Mount XP:
50100 mount xp icon
Quest has an additional unknown reward

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