Cleansed of Fear

In the wake of a mysteriously stifled Corsair attack, the people of Erynos have been granted an unexpected peace.

'When I awoke this morn, I found these men lying in the road. I dared not get too close to them for I have known the Corsairs to be deceitful folk... but strange things are afoot, traveller.

'They have not moved for hours, so I think them dead, but you must forgive my caution. They look as if a great wave had crushed them where they stood, but no one seems to know what actually happened.

'Tucharn is often one of our earliest risers in the morning, so perhaps he saw something while we all slept.'

Tucharn can be found in Erynos in eastern Lebennin.

Glathril is unclear how the Corsairs met with such a fate and asks you to speak to Tucharn.


Corsairs can be found along the road outside Erynos.

Tucharn has asked you to look over the fallen Corsairs on the road out of Erynos.

  • Search fallen Corsairs in Erynos (${CURRENT}/${MAX})

Glathril can be found in Erynos in eastern Lebennin.

You have examined the fallen Corsairs and should now return to Glathril.


Nimithil can be found in Ost Anglebed in north-central Lebennin.

You have found the people of Erynos safe from harm, and should now tell Nimithil of what happened.


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Latitude: 0
Longitude: 0
Map width ID 268450890


0 gold coin 39 silver coin 35 copper coin
59900 xp icon
Legendary XP:
59900 legendary xp icon
Mount XP:
50100 mount xp icon

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