Blood of the King

Steward Malthellim's curiosity grows as the rumours of the Heirs of Castamir continue to spread throughout Lebennin.

'Rumours surround these men known as the Heirs of Castamir for his name was once held in great regard in Gondor... at least by some. There was a dark time in our history known as the Kin-strife, when our people fought amongst themselves to determine who was the true claimant to the throne.

'Castamir and his followers forced the opposition from these lands and soon ruled in Pelargir, but he was killed years later. The Kin-strife's ending was a bloody one, ${PLAYER}, and as long as it has been, many of the wounds between brothers have never fully healed.

'I have heard my own folk talk of them, and I grow more curious as to what they believe these Heirs seek in Gondor.'

Malthellim's folk can be found throughout Ost Anglebed.

Steward Malthellim has asked you to speak to the people of Ost Anglebed about the various rumours surrounding the Heirs of Castamir.


Nimithil can be found in the lowest section of Ost Anglebed with her guards.

You have spoken to many folk of Ost Anglebed and should now seek out Nimithil.


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Map width ID 268450890


0 gold coin 39 silver coin 35 copper coin
59900 xp icon
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59900 legendary xp icon
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50100 mount xp icon

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