Far From Shore

Sheltered from the conflict growing on the coastline, the people of Malbarth look to their ancient beliefs for answers in these dark times.

'I am not certain what to make of your presence here, traveller.

'Am I to be concerned that the war marches closer to our doors this day? Or... am I simply fortunate to have one as well-equipped as yourself visit our village?'

You tell Barchir of Erianir's suggestion to travel north and then east to meet the other warriors near the Enemy's holdings outside Pelargir.

'Ah, so that is it then. I am afraid I cannot offer you much in the way of aid in your journey beyond a cooked meal and firm bed, but my friends in Malbarth may have yet more to ask of you.'

Melawen can be found in Malbarth in western Lebennin.

Barchir has asked you to speak with the people of Malbarth before you depart for the east.


Lendithil can be found in Malbarth in western Lebennin.

Barchir has asked you to speak with the people of Malbarth before you depart for the east.


Arvaeth can be found to the north-west of Malbarth in western Lebennin.

Barchir has asked you to speak with the people of Malbarth before you depart for the east.


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Latitude: 0
Longitude: 0
Map width ID 268450890


0 gold coin 39 silver coin 35 copper coin
59900 xp icon
Legendary XP:
59900 legendary xp icon
Mount XP:
50100 mount xp icon

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