
Limril hopes that you will search for Fuirion and protect Gladion in the Corsairs' encampment.

'Gladion! I could not bear to lose both of them. Do... do you know anything about this, ${PLAYER}? You spoke with Fuirion last. Did he tell you anything?'

Her eyes search yours for a common understanding, but you cannot betray Fuirion's communication to you. After a pause she sighs.

'Well, please bring them back alive....'

Gladion has run off to the Corsair encampment in north-eastern Lamedon.

You should search for Gladion at the Corsair encampment.


Fuirion might be somewhere within the Corsair encampment in north-eastern Lamedon.

You should search the tents for signs of Fuirion.

  • Search for signs of Fuirion

Hebil, captain of the Corsairs in the Lamedon encampment, can be found in the Corsairs' encampment in north-eastern Lamedon.

You should speak with Hebil.


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Latitude: 0
Longitude: 0
Map width ID 268450793


0 gold coin 38 silver coin 95 copper coin
Dol Amroth (500)
54400 xp icon
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54400 legendary xp icon
Mount XP:
27300 mount xp icon

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