Tokens of Jajax

The enemies in Lothgobel in central Lamedon all bear tokens of Jajax, evidently a captain of the Corsairs. This allegiance should be investigated more closely.

The enemies in Lothgobel in central Lamedon all bear tokens of Jajax, evidently a captain of the Corsairs. This allegiance should be investigated more closely.

Tokens of Jajax can be found on Corsairs and their minions in Lothgobel in southern Lamedon.

You should collect tokens that show an allegiance to Jajax.


Tokens of Jajax can be found on Corsairs and their minions in Lothgobel in central Lamedon.

  • Collect tokens of allegiance to Jajax (0/12)

You have collected a number of tokens showing that the enemies here are uniformly loyal to Jajax.


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0 gold coin 38 silver coin 95 copper coin
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54400 legendary xp icon
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