A House Full of Rot

The vicious war-hounds of the Corsairs have been caged in a house in Lothgobel with stinking, rotting barrels of food defiling the abandoned Gondorian home.

The vicious war-hounds of the Corsairs have been caged in a house in Lothgobel with stinking, rotting barrels of food defiling the abandoned Gondorian home.

Barrels of rotting food can be found in an abandoned home in Lothgobel.

You should destroy the barrels of rotting food, for the abandoned house is being defiled by the stink of the hounds.

  • Destroy barrels of rotting food (0/8)

You have dealt with the rotting meat left in this poor Gondorian's abandoned home.


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0 gold coin 38 silver coin 95 copper coin
Dol Amroth (500)
54400 xp icon
Legendary XP:
54400 legendary xp icon
Mount XP:
27300 mount xp icon

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