The Drunkards' Mess

A number of drunken Corsairs have taken over a store-house in Lothgobel and made a terrible mess of the place.

A number of drunken Corsairs have taken over a store-house in Lothgobel and made a terrible mess of the place.

You should take out the Corsairs, and clean up after them... because someone must do it, and it does not seem fair to ask it of the refugees of this town.

Messes can be found in the store-house of Lothgobel.

You should clean up the disgusting messes left behind by the drunken Corsairs.

  • Clean messes left by the Corsairs

Messes can be found in the store-house of Lothgobel.

You should clean up the disgusting messes left behind by the drunken Corsairs.

  • Clean spills (0/4)

You have cleaned up the devastating mess left by the drunken Corsairs in the store-house.


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0 gold coin 38 silver coin 95 copper coin
Dol Amroth (500)
54400 xp icon
Legendary XP:
54400 legendary xp icon
Mount XP:
27300 mount xp icon

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