Forging Their Demise

Boradan of Tingobel hopes to combine the Enemy's weapons with his skills as a blacksmith to aid his people in Lancrath.

'Do you have a moment, traveller?

'I am Boradan, a skilled blacksmith of Tingobel... though currently, I am without much work. If you are heading north, I ask that you steal the Orcs' weapons. The weapons are likely of poor make, but I can reshape them into many things that could serve our people better than the needless bloodshed of the Orcs.

'I am certain the Orcs are well-armed, and nothing would bring me more joy than to see their numbers dwindle along with their tools.'

Orcs can be found throughout Tingobel in north-eastern Blackroot Vale, to the north of Lancrath.

Boradan has asked you to steal weapons from the Orcs you defeat in hopes that their numbers and hold on Tingobel shall diminish.

  • Collect Orc-daggers (0/3)

Boradan can be found in Lancrath in south-eastern Blackroot Vale.

You have taken many of the Orcs' weapons and should now bring them to Boradan.


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51800 legendary xp icon
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