The Walking Shadow

Your searches in Sardol and Lancrath align as Gúrion believes he is also pursuing the mysterious invader from Tarlang's Crown.

'The Hill of Erech has been the site of many queer dealings as of late, ${PLAYER}.

'While I swear I saw the Dead rush from the vale, I was apparently mistaken. Many of their number lurk about the hill even now, but strangest of all, I noticed a dark figure creeping up the hill toward the Stone last night. Could it be the same person you sought near Sardol?

'For my part, I searched the hill the following morning, but I found no evidence of their passing. I worry that I missed something, ${PLAYER}, and would ask that you search the hill as well.'

The path to the Stone of Erech lies upon the west path out of the southern end of Lancrath.

Gúrion has asked you to search the Hill of Erech for any sign of the dark figure he spotted.

  • Search the Hill of Erech for sign of the dark figure

The Stone of Erech can be found atop the Hill of Erech in central Blackroot Vale.

You have searched the path from Lancrath to the hill and found no evidence of the dark figure's passing. You should now search near the Stone of Erech.

  • Search the Stone of Erech for sign of the dark figure

The Stone of Erech can be found atop the Hill of Erech in central Blackroot Vale.

You have spotted something unusual near the base of the Stone of Erech and should examine it more closely.

  • Examine the strange footprints near the base of the Stone

Gúrion can be found in Lancrath in south-eastern Blackroot Vale.

You have searched the hill, and found strange footprints in the shadow of the Stone of Erech. You should return to Gúrion with this news.


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Latitude: 0
Longitude: 0
Map width ID 268450788


0 gold coin 38 silver coin 75 copper coin
Dol Amroth (500)
51800 xp icon
Legendary XP:
51800 legendary xp icon
Mount XP:
43300 mount xp icon

Additional info


  • Search the Hill of Erech for sign of the dark figure
  • Search the Stone of Erech for sign of the dark figure
  • Examine the strange footprints near the base of the Stone
  • Talk to Gúrion
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