A Satchel Full of Secrets

You have vowed to help Fuirion recover his satchel, which he lost during his adventure afield.

You ask Limril if she will give you a moment to speak with Fuirion.

'Yes, I suppose I must, if you think you can get a word out of him. Good luck....'

Fuirion is in Gladion's home in Dínadab.

You should speak with Fuirion.


The bandit encampment is west of Dínadab in northern Lamedon.

You should head to the bandit encampment to find Fuirion's satchel and return it to him.

NOTE: You must complete the quest \qThe Letter\q to advance.


Fuirion is in Gladion's home in Díndab.

You should bring the satchel back to Fuirion so that he may decide what to do with this dangerous information.


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0 gold coin 38 silver coin 75 copper coin
Dol Amroth (500)
51800 xp icon
Legendary XP:
51800 legendary xp icon
Mount XP:
26000 mount xp icon
Quest has an additional unknown reward

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