Unseen Terror

Numerous beasts of the Blackroot Vale have been felled without a single wound, and Sarnir hopes to discover the cause.

'The bears have been stricken with madness... and though I do not wish it to be true, I fear the Dead are responsible.

'I have never seen such behaviour from beasts in all my years in the vale. The return of the Dead must have upset nature and compelled them to harm their own.

'I would ask that you again travel out onto the field, beyond the bears you discovered, and search the remains of more of these fallen beasts.'

Fallen animals can be found to the east of Alagrant, past where you discovered the fallen bear.

Sarnir has asked you to examine more fallen animals on the fields of Blackroot Vale in hopes of discovering what has driven them to madness.

  • Search east of Alagrant for signs of fallen animals

Fallen animals can be found far to the east of Alagrant, near the Hill of Erech.

You have found numerous animals mauled, but nothing that suggests anything unusual. You should continue your search to the east.

  • Search further east for signs of fallen animals

The Hill of Erech can be found far to the east of Alagrant.

You have discovered animals that appear to have been slain without a single wound. You should search for more felled beasts near the Hill of Erech.

  • Search the base of the Hill of Erech for fallen animals

Sarnir can be found in Alagrant in western Blackroot Vale.

You have found evidence that the Dead at the Hill of Erech are responsible for the deaths of these creatures and you should now inform Sarnir.


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Longitude: 0
Map width ID 268450788


0 gold coin 38 silver coin 55 copper coin
Dol Amroth (500)
49300 xp icon
Legendary XP:
49300 legendary xp icon
Mount XP:
41200 mount xp icon

Additional info


  • Search east of Alagrant for signs of fallen animals
  • Search further east for signs of fallen animals
  • Search the base of the Hill of Erech for fallen animals
  • Talk to Sarnir
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