A Hard-earned Meal

Gladion has invited you for a home-cooked meal at his family's table.

'It is almost time for dinner, and you have certainly earned it. Go on inside, for Limril is waiting. But where is my brother Fuirion? He should have been back quite some time ago.

'Go ahead in, ${PLAYER}. I will wait here for Fuirion. You may tell Limril that we will be in shortly, I hope.'

Limril can be found inside her home in Dínadab in northern Lamedon.

You should go into Gladion's home and speak with his wife Limril.


The healer can be found in the apothecary's shop in Dínadab.

You should hasten to the healer to get help for Fuirion.


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0 gold coin 38 silver coin 75 copper coin
Dol Amroth (500)
31100 xp icon
Legendary XP:
51800 legendary xp icon
Mount XP:
26000 mount xp icon
Quest has an additional unknown reward

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